Donald Trump announces his campaign an April Fools prank.
Trump Annouces Campaign
an Elaborate April Fools Prank
(April 1, 2016) - In an exclusive interview Saturday Trump announced his
campaign has always been an elaborate April Fools prank on the GOP. Trump said
his intention was to "parody the crazy shit other GOP candidates were saying.”
Apparently, his hope was to point out that the GOP front runners were all “one card
shy of a full Trump Casino deck of cards…you know, nucking futs!” It seems he misjudged his audience
Trump stated he
never expected his crazy policy statements would actually be taken seriously by
the public. "What sane person would
agree with the crap I've been putting out there?" noted Trump. "I
mean, when I said I intend to build a huge wall to ‘greatly strengthen our
border, making it impenetrable, putting a stop to illegal immigration once and
for all' did people actually forget about all the tunnels under the wall? I think
Ted Cruz said something about building a wall to the center of the earth, but I
think his head was in his ass, so he was disoriented and mistook up for down.”
Of his many past
misogynistic statements, Trump stated he is actually a strong supporter of
women’s rights, noting “If I actually believed any of that stuff, my wife and
daughter would kick my ass. I mean, look
at them (well I don’t actually look at my daughter all that closely because that
would be a little perverted), they’re real scary looking and I’d hate to end up
with one of their stilettos in my eye socket.”
Further explaining himself, “Remember, I was actually for abortion
before I was against it.”
It is well known
that Trump has no speech writer, but Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski has admitted contributing a large amount
of vacuous non-content to Trump’s speeches.
In a separate interview, Lewandowski hilariously related Trump’s policy
statement on health care reform: “I would
end Obamacare and replace it with something terrific, for far less money.” Lewandowski
revealed “We spent weeks refining this policy statement until
there was absolutely no hint of any substance. I’m proud to say that I have
worked very hard to insure Mr. Trump’s speeches reflect his total lack of policy preparedness.”
Lewandowski also
released internal strategy documents from the early part of the campaign, what
amounts to a detailed plan for Trump to sound bat-shit crazy. According
to Lewandowski, he told Trump not to do any reading or thinking about policy.
Instead, at press conferences, speeches and debates, he instructed Trump to say
whatever nutty, racist, or misogynistic things happened to come to mind first.
And under no terms is he ever to reflect on or apologize for anything he says,
but instead he should attack anybody who questions him.
Trump stated in
his interview that he came up with the idea of ridiculing a disabled journalist
and berating the physical appearance of women. “How could anybody want to vote
for me after I mocked a disabled person, criticized the appearance of both Jeb
Bush’s and Ted Cruz’ wives, and suggested no one should vote for Carly Fiorina
because she’s ugly. But my wife and
daughter are actually hotter.” Trump
also stated he came up with the idea to attack anyone who asks him a question
that requires thinking. “I’m especially proud of the phrase: ‘She’s a really
bad person, you know really, really bad.’” For no apparent reason, Trump also
stated for the record “It is not possible to rape your own wife.”
Trump’s campaign
manager explained they want Trump to sound like he never actually has informed
thoughts. However, Trump revealed in his interview that he felt his staff made
him sound so imbecilic he was afraid “no one would believe a politician could
be that shallow and bird-brained.” So he
occasionally sticks something substantive into his speeches, like his immigration
policy: “let’s build that wall, right! And we’ll make Mexico pay for it!”
However, Lewandowski
admitted they clearly underestimated Trump’s ability to induce mass psychogenic
illness. “Perhaps Donald has a future career in a circus sideshow, or he could play the role of Professor Boyd in the remaking of the classic movie, Bedtime for Bonzo.” Trump’s announcement
today indicates his campaign decided the prank has gone too far. Lewandowski
wistfully stated “I guess the April Fools joke is on us, since the GOP seems to
actually want a fool to be president.”